NOTE: Type in the main menu to either play or quit.

A very much work in progress deck builder where you type out your "cards", or otherwise known as commands. Just type in the words you see in the menu and games. You were supposed to fight through enemies and collect more commands.

Obviously, the game is missing a lot of features, but I really like the idea so I'll see where I can take it in the future :D

COMMANDS (i know this should be stated in the game, but what can you do xd):

SLASH - A basic damage command that deals 5 damage

DEFEND - Raises a shield and reduces all incoming damage by half. Drops shield once another command is typed.

SHARPEN - Increases damage dealt by 1.5x. Lasts for 3 seconds.

DODGE - Dodges any incoming attacks for 0.5 seconds.

STAB - A damage command that deals 1 damage, but inflicts bleed on the enemy (1 damage overtime for 3 seconds). If you use stab again before the bleed runs out, the timer is refreshed and the damage overtime increases (ie. If bleed is stacked 3 times,  it deals 3 damage overtime for 3 seconds).

NOTE: When the word chain meter becomes full and active (bar turns yellow), all damage dealt is increased by 1.5x.


A Typecal Adventure 22 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the zip file and open the executable.

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